Keyboard Shortcuts.

General Audio Controls
space Play/Stop
0 (zero)
Escape Stop
, (comma) Pause
Return Jump to Beginning
. (period)
1 Rewind
2 Fast forward
3 Record
4 Toggle loop-playback
Q Center on selection start
W Center on selection end
E Previous zoom
- Zoom out
= Zoom in
home Scroll to start
end Scroll to end
page up Scroll left one page
page down Scroll right one page
enter Insert Marker
alt-arrow Jump by marker
9 Paste mixing
A Amplify/Volume
D Fade In
F Fade Special
G Fade Out
X Dynamics Expander
alt-X Noise Gate Expander
C Dynamics Compressor

Here is a list of modifier keys and their effect when clicking the mouse in the overview and editing areas:

Modifier Key Effect on Editing Area Effect on Overview
None Normal selection Moves view box
Shift Modifies selection edge closest to pointer Same as above
Option Hand Tool: Click-drag to scroll Same as above
Command Normal selection Click-drag to draw a new view box
Control Start playback at pointer Start playback at pointer

To move the cursor, use the left and right arrow keys.
To jump to the beginning of the file, press the up arrow key, or the return key.
To jump to the end of the file, press the down arrow key.

To move to the previous marker, press option-left-arrow, and to move to the next marker, press option-right-arrow.

To create or extend a selection, hold down the shift key in combination with the above arrow key shortcuts.

To change the waveform view, press the Q key to show the beginning or left edge of the current selection, and press the W key to show the end or right edge. Press the R key to zoom out, the T key to zoom in, and the E key to jump back to the previous zoom level.

For editing, use the delete or backspace key to remove the selected audio. Press the Enter key or the M key to drop a marker at the cursor or playback head, and use the 9 key to bring up the Paste Mixing dialog.

To apply an effects filter, press the A key for Amplify, D for Fade In, F for Fade Special, G for Fade Out, X for Dynamics Expander, alt-X for Noise Gate, and C for Compressor.

Scroll wheel, trackpads, and the Magic Mouse. Some mice come with a scroll wheel. Turning this wheel on the Y-axis will cause the window to zoom in or out, with the zoom focused at the mouse pointer. Turning the scroll wheel on the X-axis will scroll the window normally. Some mice do not support turning the wheel on the X-axis. Trackpads and other devices like the Magic Mouse use finger gestures in place of a scroll wheel and can also be used to zoom in and out or to scroll normally.

Selecting and editing a single track/channel. For stereo files or files with more than two tracks, hold down the Command key while clicking in the appropriate channel to select that channel. Clicking anywhere in the view automatically selects all channels.

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